Titan Digital

Automation In Digital Marketing & Sales

Automation is here to stay We’re obsessed with automation at Titan Digital. We love seeing ways people use it to build more agile and responsive sales and marketing processes while maintaining a high level of user personalisation required to turn prospects into returning customers. Automation has become an increasingly important aspect of digital marketing and

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Titan Digital Managing Director Appointed To Meath LEO Mentor Panel

Philip Weldon, Managing Director at Titan Digital, has been appointed to the Meath LEO mentor panel following a successful tendering process.  Philip says:  “I’ll be providing mentoring to Meath LEO clients. The mentoring will focus on Marketing & Information Systems. Thrilled to have been appointed following a successful tender response. I’m delighted to share my

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Two young male bloggers with professional camera recording video interview at home

Inbound Marketing Part 1 – What Is It?

Inbound marketing is a strategy used by businesses to build brand awareness and attract customers to the business. It is about helping customers locate the business.

The strategy focuses on promoting business visibility. This is unlike outbound marketing which is the traditional type of marketing that focuses on sending adverts to customers.

Inbound marketing is about attracting customers and is not about going to where customers are.

Instead, the customers come to you.

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Getting Started For D2C On Instagram

Instagram D2C (direct-to-customer) is a relatively new concept. You might want to reap its benefits before competition becomes fierce.

Getting started for D2C on Instagram is fairly simple. Plus, it’s effective. Why? Instagram has roughly 1 Billion active users. And, many of them have started buying on the platform.
With the inception of Instagram shops, many D2C (direct-to-consumer) brands have already started skipping the middlemen. They use Instagram to build their brand awareness and directly sell to their prospects.

So, if you are a D2C brand and don’t want your profits to be cut by the middlemen, this Instagram D2C guide is for you.

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SEO In 2021 – Top Tips for Google Ranking

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an effective way of putting your website in front of relevant people.
There are over 3.5B Google searches each day. And, almost none of those searchers go to the second page of SERPs (search engine result pages).
So, if your website is not on the first page of Google, it probably won’t get any traffic at all. You won’t want that, right?

You need the right SEO strategies to win Google ranking. However, SEO is consistently evolving. Techniques that used to work aren’t that effective now.

Fear not! By the end of this article, you’ll have the techniques you can use to up your search engine optimization game.

Let’s get started.

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