Some of our clients require discretion and a combination of services to accomplish their goals. One of these clients is in the travel sector and operate a luxury boutique hotel. They wanted to increase sales via their social media channels. The challenge was to increase prospect engagements and revenue over a period of three months for their peak season.
Social Media Campaign For A Luxury Hotel
Peak season can make or break a hotel. Even the best marketing strategies for off peak seasons can’t compensate for a dismal peak season. After consecutive disappointing peak seasons, our client knew they needed to make drastic improvements to how they marketed their hotel for the incoming peak season. There was never any doubt in the mind of our client that their hotel deserved to be successful and could be 100% booked every peak season. The only thing that missing was a social media strategy that could expand their footprint and drive visitors to their website. Once we accomplished that, their great staff did the rest.
Campaign Performance
Internal Sales Performance
While we managed a campaign, the internal sales team managed a seamless sales process with the outcomes to prove it.